Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lions-N-Tigers-N-Bears...Oh MY!

Avery's first trip to the ZOO.
She saw all the animals...but I think she was a little more interested in pulling off her socks the entire trip!

Wild Animals-BORING...throwing leaves over a fence-SUPER FUN!!


  1. I love the pictures. Let us know if you ever want to go again, I am sure she will like it more the older she gets!

  2. HAHA. I love your comment for the kids throwing the leaves over the fence I couldn't stop laughing! Other then that avery looks addorable. I love and miss you guys!

  3. your photography is getting so so professional looking! Well done :)

  4. you may wonder what we are doing at your blog at 3:30 AM. Well, Lorenzo woke up screaming 20 minutes ago and he only just stopped when he heard Avery's music. So, thank you for creating his only pacifier...please don't ever take bubbly off your playlist.

  5. That zoo totally kicks butt over point defience zoo here in Wa.
