Greyson Ezra ... finally arrived on Saturday, February 20
th, 2010 at 6.01pm. He weighed in at 8lbs 4oz and measured 21.5 inches long. His story began Saturday morning when we checked in for an induction at 7:30 in the morning. I changed and they started my IV and hooked up all the heart monitors etc. My doc arrived, checked me and put in an order for
pitocin to get the ball rolling. Just before they were going to administer it they noticed a few random
decelerations in his heart rate. They figured his cord may be wrapped around one of his limbs or he might be squeezing it. So they decided to monitor him a little longer to see if it continued to happen. ...and it did, so they broke my water to see if he might change luck. So they had me do some super fun exercises on an exercise luck. Then they thought filling my uterus back up with water my get him to luck. By this time my contractions were getting really strong and painful. I asked for an epidural to take the edge off. I continued to have
contractions and his heart rate continued to randomly dip and come back up again. They tried EVERYTHING, but this kid wasn't giving in. My doctor came in one last time and broke the news...emergency c-section. I'm not going to lie, I was scared. Especially when they were rolling me down the hall to the operating room the anesthesiologist asked Ezra if he wanted to give me a "goodbye kiss"...I lost it a little. Once I was on the table he was out less than 5 minutes and they were stitching me back up. They held his head up over the curtain after they pulled him out, and he was so cute. He looked a lot like Avery, minus all the hair. In the end, the c-section wasn't that bad, and my doctor was awesome. All that matters is that we have a healthy baby boy!